Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bitter Coffee

The other day my roomie, Erin, got to witness my mini-breakdown at the cafe we always stop at before class on Mondays and Tuesdays. Not sure why I was so crazy that morning, but I woke up really missing my parents. So since I felt a little homesick I decided I wanted to wear the purse my mom left me. She bought the purse before her trip to Spain so that she could have a small sling-over purse, good for outings in the city. I loved it, because it was from Fossil, cute, brown, had studs on it. Although the purse couldn't fit any of my books, I decided it didn't matter and could just carry my books instead.

So after the commute to school, Erin and I stopped for our usual coffee and croissant mixtos. However, I was feeling a little queasy...from all the fun I had the night before so I wanted a water instead of coffee. But no...I accidently ordered coffee somehow, didn't have enough money for water, took my first sip of coffee...and bam, the cup top falls off and spills ALL OVER my mommy's purse. Then, as the barista concerns herself with wiping what little coffee spilled on her counter instead of handing me a napkin, I feel waterworks approaching. Yeah, embarassing. I start sniffling and crying at the Cuidad Universidad metro stop cafe. As ridiculous as it sounds though, I WOULD cry about spilling coffee on a brand new really cute purse. I love my leather. But the fact that it was my Mom's and that I missed her so much that morning, made the tears inevitable. Luckily the purse has made a full recovery and I haven't cried since :-p.

I can't believe I have a little less than six months. It's so rare that I ever feel homesick and I'm glad because I don't want to waste any of my time here feeling like I want to be somewhere else. Madrid has truly become my home in the last two months. It helps that I've stayed in Madrid and haven't traveled anywhere. Traveling is a luxury and a privilege. But after the Granads, Dublin, and Gran Canaria, it almost felt like more of a chore. Taking a break from traveling has been refreshing and it's allowed me to make some great friendships. However, I think I'm getting in the mood to travel again, hehe. I booked a trip to Berlin to visit Cat in April! I'm so excited to see her and her city. There is also a trip to Tenerife in the works right now... my roomies and I are aiming for end of March. Laying on the beach sounds amazing right about now.

Finals are coming up. So my roommates and I decided to limit ourselves to only going out twice a week. HA, so much for that. It's so hard to say no to nights of getting ready, playing poker, pregaming, laughing, and dancing when you have a FIVE day weekend. I keep thinking I can go out tonight, and just start studying in the morning. But by the time I wake up, it's already between 2-4pm. This week we had poker at our house on sunday night, went to Orange Cafe (see picture) on Wednesday, Reina Bruja on Thursday, and yesterday I kept it chill and just went shopping and then to dinner with Santi.

It's a beautiful Sunday morning here in Madrid. The skies are clear, the bells from the church close to my house are ringing, I'm sippin' green tea, making lesson plans, and studying for antropologia. Today's a good day :)